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National Level Summer Internship Project Competition

The event was organized on September 23-24, 2022. The event was sponsored by APMC Unjha, Coca Cola and Gujarat Print Pack.

The event of this enormity ensures a great learning experience for the students. The knowledge exchange that happens amongst the divers gathering of Corporate representatives, Academicians and Students make the event enriching and memorable. This year, Pratibha 2022 has received participation from 31 institutions from 4 states of India. Rs. 35000 prize money were distributed among the participants, which are as follow:

First Prize to Zainab Boxwala, School of Management, GLS University.

May be an image of 7 people, people standing, indoor and text that says "Ganpat University माजोत्कर्ष:।। 2022 MIYA S"

Second Prize to Viraj Bhatt, School of petroleum management, PDEU

Third prize to Rishita Patel, Ganpat University - V M Patel Institute of Management

Best Communication Skills awards to Isha Shah, B.K.School of Professional & Management Studies

The Pratibha 2022 event was started with inaugural function and it was graced by the Guests, Mr. Laxmikant Harsola, Vice President -Technical, Lincoln Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Mr. Hitendra Akhani, Cluster Head, Vice President Retail Branch Banking, HDFC Bank, Dr. Rajen Purohit (Deputy Pro Vice Chancellor & Executive Dean, Ganpat University), Dr. Sourbhi Chaturvedi ( Dean, FMS), Dr. Hiren Patel (Head I/C, VMPIM) Ganpat University.

This event was judged by Dr. Narayan Baser, Associate Professor, Petroleum Management, School of Petroleum Management, Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar, Dr. Pragya Keshari, Associate Professor, Prestige Institute of Management & Research, Indore and Mr. Chandansingh Charan, Cluster Manager at Home First Finance Company (HFFC), Ahmedabad.

May be an image of 2 people, people sitting, people standing and indoor